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Best Ramen in Canada

Updated: Apr 12

Ramen is undoubtedly one of the most famous and delicious soups/stews in the world. It is one of many culinary delights coming from Japan and, in my opinion, was significantly better in Japan compared to Canada. Now obviously a Japanese dish is going to be better in Japan but to be more precise I would say that I thought there was the biggest difference in this dish between Canada and Japan compared to any other dish.

In this post I want to highlight three ramen shops in three different cities across Canada that cannot rival the best of the ramen I had in Japan but definitely stand above the ramen I have had in Canada! I will just be highlighting these three restaurants here, if you want more information about ramen itself go checkout my ramen blog post!

Shimizu Kitchen - Calgary

When I first immigrated to Canada I lived in Calgary, until I left to Montreal for University, so I've had the opportunity to try a lot of restaurants in Calgary! There are a lot of really solid restaurants including some nice ramen restaurants but for me the ramen at Shimizu Kitchen really stands out! What I love about this restaurant is that they have a shockingly delicious vegetarian ramen! It is a miso-based vegetarian ramen and what really impressed me was the richness of the broth. It was perfectly savory and rich despite being vegetarian and all of the vegetable toppings were delicious! Whether you are vegetarian or not I recommend checking this place out and considering how good this ramen is I bet their other ramen are great too!

Shimizu Kitchen ramen

Yokato Yokabai - Montreal

This is not only the most popular ramen restaurant in Montreal but also one of the most popular restaurants in the city in general. This isn't without good reason, when I tried Yokato Yokabai I was really impressed! What I really appreciate about this spot is that they have pork, chicken and vegan broth. I personally got the chicken broth and I was very satisfied with the rich chicken flavor. The chicken topping was also pretty good but I think it's really all about the broth here. While I personally think this place isn't quite on the level of the chicken-based ramen I had in Japan, I will say out of the three entries on this list the style of ramen here is the most reminiscent of what you'd find in Japan in my opinion!

Yokato Yokabai ramen

Koichi Ramen - Ottawa

I have been to Ottawa a couple of times, and I am personally not a huge fan of the city if I am being completely honest, sorry Ottawa... Something that Ottawa does have though is my favorite ramen shop in Canada! During one of my visits I noticed a ramen when I was exploring Chinatown and knew I had to return and give it a try. When I returned to the shop there was a line extending out the door and although I was really hungry it made me excited because when there is a line there is a pretty good chance the food is about to be amazing!

Once I got inside I was greeted with a gorgeous interior and the most inclusive ramen menu I have ever seen with multiple types of pork, chicken and vegetable broths. I opted for a chicken based broth and then I got to choose a spiciness level which, as a spice lover, I love to see! I obviously opted for extra spicy and I was shocked at how great the broth was! Not only did it have a wonderful rich chicken flavor but it also actually packed some heat! The toppings and noodles were also amazing and overall I definitely haven't had a more satisfying ramen experience in Canada. From the wide array of options, customization and outstanding flavors, Koichi Ramen is a must try if you visit Ottawa, especially if you are a ramen lover!

Koichi ramen

Best Ramen in Canada

Honestly, I think the dish that was most different in Japan compared to Canada was the ramen. I think about the ramen in Japan every time I see a ramen shop now! These three shops are really solid though and I think that they will satisfy anyone's ramen craving in Canada.

That is all for this post, I hope you all checkout these great spots if you live in or are visiting one of these cities! Checkout my other blog posts for more restaurant recommendations and other foodie content. Also, follow me on social media to follow me on my delicious foodie adventures!


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Hi There!
I'm Deeva and Food

I’m a 21 year old (soon to be) law student & travel/food blogger based in Canada but I’m originally from Pakistan.

I immigrated to Canada when I was 12 years old and was quickly intrigued by all of the different cuisines that were available for me to try.

The diversity in Canada was fascinating to me as I had never been exposed to so many cuisines all in one place.

I started posting on social media to share my love for food and travel with the rest of the world.

My goal is to experience every culture through my travel and food blogs/vlogs whilst sharing my journey with those of you that have similar interests!

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